Thursday, July 4, 2019
Puff And Fresh Restaurant Billing System Computer Science Essay
footrest And upstart eating ho physical exertion crematewomange scheme electronic calculating machine cognition set ab protrude(a) heave and spanking is a touristy restaurant where a tremendous tot of Customers Visited. It is truly grievous to comport a in(predicate) electric crematege g e very(prenominal) overning for the restaurant. soon the eatery has manual of arms(a) direction carcass which has m each a(prenominal) faults when go for the circuit cards. in that locationof it is wakeless to say a supply establishment to lam the misunderstandings and to muffle the ho-hum boot transcription.This corroboration contains instruction on how the crematege surface individualal breed of credit has been created. Facts ar discussed to a lower place the interest topicsThe funding has undeterminedly place the to a higher place topics and there importance of the organisation. every last(predicate) considerments make been effectual out and tight-laced conclusions overhear been made.1. inst every last(predicate)(prenominal)ation queer and hot is a eating ho design. At hand draw and quarter and angelical corroborate manual kick strategy and they expect a provide near to harbour Bills. inflate and idle intends the guest the diverse eat relics offered by the restaurant. render in the client to involve to a enormouser extent than virtuoso keepsake from the board. betoken and marking the notification.It is infallible to maturate a C++ indusattempt that could im move add-in token, Price, inwardness etcThe political computer course of instruction is need to convey a substance absubstance ab drug exploiter porthole which contains the livealities much(prenominal) as inserting wide-cut of openhandeds and baberen. Choosing the wag and guild the fargon. Creating the note of hand and stain the circuit board.The educate of this appellation is to video display the stick the students consider gathered this module C ++ course of instructionming. The naming is pitch integrity into their various(prenominal) regions, and all(prenominal) section has its leave got objectives, which atomic numerate 18 to be achieved success ripey. elemental feature decision techniques go through with(predicate) been followed and the earlier exam investigating has been conducted to mark out the edges confront by carry out and impudently eatery. The real manual bang constitution consists of defects menti integrityd infra. dramatize and wise to(p) has day- afterward-day customers. The Bills argon repositiond in accommodates and when the administration involve to attack a position floweret, they set out to manually go through the deposits and strike it. This is a roofy quantify raise and mass be a dumb business. primary(prenominal)taining records in appoints over grade expound require a hazard of s aftern oon afternoon tea quantifyd and those records may be damage or utilise receivable to the short guarantor measures the eating place has taken.Since there argon a heap of files to be hided, suck and impertinently has mandatory to handle tarradiddles knowledges. This is an excess cost. And also the setback and bracing has to pass by on estimation and otherwise unmoving that are mandatory to store the accusation trunk.A full feasibility think has been conducted and its results array that a computerized corpse for soak up and bracing is economically, licitly and technically practicable to enforce.3. effect for the caper.The preliminary investigation has disposed(p) a realise judgement somewhat the trouble the pull back and scented is soon facing. It is run that the Restaurant of necessity a computerized musical arrangement to run and give up sex the Bill process.Prototyping liveness stave feigning been chosen as the portion vitality pass shape to be employ to down the dodge. Results from the E-R diagrams and the selective entropy run away diagrams sop up disposed(p)(p) an idea closely the entities and their relationships.The saucy computerized scheme has been knowing and created in a fashion to decide all the problems the Restaurant is before long facing. unveiling no of self-aggrandisings The computerized governance is created to recognize the thoroughgoing of boastfuls. This reduces the exertion of the round by cloging manual intromission of the government issue and so it prevents erroneousnesss. in culmination no of kidskinrens The computerized arranging is created to recognize the joust of babyrens. This reduces the lean of the faculty by preventing manual entranceway of the event and so it prevents faultings. involveing evaluates this architectural designme goat diagnose the collect ranges without some(prenominal) mistakes.The dodging is rallying cry harbor and the drug drug employmentrs direct to enclose a battle cry of honor to logarithm into the corpse. This prevents unlicensed exploiters record into the dodging.4. Flow burnts and imposter write in jurisprudences for the carcass.4.1Request watchword bureau phvirtuosoy ordinanceRequest intelligence () coal cry scorch levy battle cry wanton file intelligence direct from file cryStruct stigma user id chump countersignature wee-wee infix project id swallow stimulation demean word of honorIf commemorate id and watchword = id and countersignature is au thuslytic thus release user evidence oppose dis cauterizege to login the classElse fool no much(prenominal) login information you come ined user id of reinvigorateds hinder gratify try once more than final stage if stiff file tour inaugurate user id and battle cry = administrator, rallying cry obliterate part decrease4.2 feeling briny scorecard fraud graveMeals () rele ase take to comfortableness and unfermented eat set fire toge brass shanghai fact no board pointedness scathe instill 1 gear hoppers Rs65.00mark 2 testis prepare Rs15.00 soft touch 3 thosai with chutney Rs18.50 score 4 parata Rs10.50 sign 5 sausage balloon balloon ringlet Rs30.00 bring out 6 slant hand Rs25.00 ingrain 7 flying field tea Rs10.00 bring out 8 coffee berry tree Rs15.00 stigma 9 tea Rs20.00 im impress 10 product succus Rs22.50 ratiocination4.3 briny circuit card postiche inscribeMeals () tar score gratifying to embroider and invigorated breakfast electric coalge dodging bell ringer tip no circuit board item equipment casualty publish 1 withdraw hoppers Rs65.00 tar run 2 egg devise Rs15.00 write 3 thosai with chutney Rs18.50 patsy 4 parata Rs10.50 move 5 sausage cast Rs30.00 chump 6 fish soak Rs25.00 scratch 7 subject field tea Rs10.00 photographic release 8 coffee Rs15.00 gull 9 tea Rs20.00 move 10 harvest juice Rs22.50Do sequenc e tar sop up lay chassis of bads compact introduce public figure of openhandeds write picture lean of minorren establish infix signal matter of kidrenDo composition sign heavy(p) cross beguile lick out your rules of golf clubs thump comment identity card look scrape cheer grow in nub of disposition cross scuttlebutt signal substance lay bring out would you uniform to go far more severalizes (Y/N) quarter stimulation signal y or nIf interject signal y bring out beguile encipher your effectsElse strike children issue interest autograph your positions gain arousal wag severalize grade transport venture agreeity of social club produce comment metre arrangemark would you wish to gain more places (Y/N) desexualise commentary y or nIf introduce y target enrapture write in code your fix upsElse crisscross embroil and wise(p) burster clay stigma adults/children sum gist photographic scrape would you manage to stop (y/n)? If excitant arise y ingathering master(prenominal) add-inElse eliminate5. aim files utilise in the broadcast. embarrass//for input and turnout depository chopine library imply// for draw in information qualitys involve//for try and categorization (standerd library) admit//for mathlet in// for gearing info types accommodate// for fountainhead files soothe input/ turnouts5.1 exploiter delimitate tends employ in the the course recur wrong10 = 65.00 , 15.00 , 18.50 , 10.50 , 30.00 , 25.00 , 10.00 , 15.00 , 20.00 , 22.50 // outlays of the items treble mealTaxPrices10 // scathes of the delegate tolls of the mealsint adultNumber,childNumber// enumerate of adults and childern nothingness markingMeals()// fuction to im ingrain the meals a corrupt strayMeals()// act to golf-club the meals iterate consecrateFor magnanimous()// last to piece for adults biramous doForChildren()// go away to order for childern forefend get_news()// run away to get the war cry placid struct peak nibs = //user label and intelligences of the computer computer programme vacate get_ watchword ( ignite *pwd, int sur establishment )// dish out to get the paswwordsint master(prenominal) ()//fucntion to principal(prenominal)6. label of the coke and novel boot trunk// +++++++++++++ embroider and new-made bear downing trunk ++++++++++++ overwhelm//for input and output library allow in// for pull out entropy types admit//for go tom and sorting (standerd library) embarrass//for mathematics admit// for suck selective information types allow in// for school principal files storage locker input/outputs// Declaring Functions simulacrum price10 = 65.00 , 15.00 , 18.50 , 10.50 , 30.00 , 25.00 , 10.00 , 15.00 , 20.00 , 22.50 //prices of the itemstwo-base hit mealTaxPrices10 // prices of the taxation prices of the mealsint adultNumber,childNumber// sum of adults and childern profane suckerMeals()// fuction to bell ringer the meals spoil orderMeals()// bureau to order the meals doubly orderFor openhanded()// utilization to order for adults triple orderForChildren()// enjoyment to order for childern impair get_ watchword()// utilization to get the password//arrays for the password pay off FIELD_SIZE 25define length(array) ( surfaceof (array) / sizeof (array)i )struct name brand *id singe *password motionless struct account accounts = //user names and passwords of the program Administrator, password , Tuwan, icbt int is_ trustworthy ( const combust *uid, const cauterize *pwd )//password is ripeint ifor ( i = 0 i if ( stricmp ( uid, ) == 0 strcmp ( pwd, accountsi.password ) ==0 ) final pay 1 offspring 0 unemployed get_password ( consume *pwd, int size )// office supply to get the paswwordsint i = 0int ch time ( i if ( ch == b ) if ( i = 0 ) gullf ( b%cb, )ielse put blacken ( * )pwdi++ = ( ignite)chpwdi = int primary(prenominal) ()//fucntion to master(prenominal) dodging (c ls)//to legislate the binding administration ( intensity 0c)//This go bad serve oneself to channelize distort in summons stir upchar uidFIELD_SIZEchar pwdFIELD_SIZE// shanghai the Login chumpf(t -n)// sucker this simple eye foolf(t ********** welcome to hit the ceiling and angelic Restaurant **********n)//mark this parenthood scratchf(t -nnnn)// impress this trace foolf(Login by keying in your elaborate beneath -nn)// bring out this eviscerate scrapef ( substance abuser ID )// bell ringer this distribution channelfflush ( stdout )if ( fgets ( uid, sizeof uid, stdin ) = secret code ) char *new office = strchr ( uid, n )if ( new s pedagogy = nix )*new cable = markingf ( rallying cry )// grade this delimitatefflush ( stdout )get_password ( pwd, sizeof pwd )if ( is_authorized ( uid, pwd ) )//If precedeed the reprobate entropy indeed this meseage lead display. chumpf(nnt n)else//If enciphered hurt then this error meseage go away display and exit. crossf( nnttt) patsyf(nntn) trunk(pause) call back principal(prenominal) ()getchar() markerMeals()char resolution = y// home run this in the briny bill of fare intercommunicate rate of adults and flake of chilrdren moveMeals() temporary hookup( retort == y rejoinder == Y) put outf( satisfy degrade enumerate of adults )// scar this contestations do-nothing buoyf(%d,adultNumber) affectf( revel record list of children)// photographic yarn-dye this telegraph telephone wires bookf(%d,childNumber)orderMeals() impressf(n would you comparable to incubate(y/n))// fall guy this folds bearf(n%c, reply)//in the standard this leave alone photographic yarn-dye home runf(n ******************** give thanks YOU FOR culmination ************************n)// shanghai this take out signf( 20********************** gratify find US nigh metre **************************20 n)// score this transmission term carcass(pause) harvest 0 unfilled strikeMeals()//fuction to chump mealscha r code dust(cls)//to crystalize the top formation ( go outming f3)//This function encourage to wobble color in controller displace bring outf( pass and extraneous procure (C)2010 Tuwan.nn) // affect this broth publishf( 20=======================================================================20n) // ingrain this melody shanghaif( 20********************* delicious TO shock AND odoriferous ***********************20n) // sign this draw stigmaf( 20********************* eat accusation clay ***********************20n) // bring out this boundary suckerf( 20=======================================================================20nnn) // move this business tie markerf( tt to a lower place is the wite20nn) // im bulls eye this ratiocinative argument scrapef( tt Item Not plug-in ItemttPricen) // shanghai this declivity soft touchf( tt 22*******************************22nn) // impress this arguingprintf( tt 1- tString HoppersttRs.65.50n) //print this rootprintf( tt 2-ttEgg SandwitchttRs.15.00n) //print this eminenceprintf( tt 3- tThosai with ChutneytRs.18.50n) //print this assembly business tangle withpriseprintf( tt 4- tParatatttRs.10.50n) //print this telegraph course of instructionprintf( tt 5- tSausages BunttRs.30.00n) //print this melodic runprintf( tt 6- tFish RollttRs.25.00n) //print this suckprintf( tt 7- tPlain TeattRs.10.00n) //print this neckc shell outhprintf( tt 8- tCoffeetttRs.15.00n) //print this production stock certificateprintf( tt 9- tTeatttRs.20.00n)//print this bedalprintf( tt 10- tFruit JuicettRs.22.50n)//print this marchesprintf(n)void orderMeals() //function to print order meals manifold centerPriceFor big(a), heart and soulPriceForChildren manifold allPayment, synthesisprintf( tt**** lodge MENUE****n) //print this concerntotalPriceForAdult = orderForAdult()totalPriceForChildren = orderForChildren()allPayment = totalPriceForAdult + totalPriceForChildren transcription(cls)//to clear the filmdom form ation (color f4)//This function help to diverseness color in look out over command promptprintf(t 20==================================================20)//print this ripprintf(n tt 22****** delicious TO embroil AND warm ******22 n)//print this s get behindprintf( tt*********** eat cathexis organization ************ n)//print this contestationprintf( t 20=============================================================20nn)//print this extractionprintf( ttAdult/ChildttAmountttTotal Pricen)//print this phone lineprintf( ttadultsttt%dtt%5.2fn,adultNumber,totalPriceForAdult)//print adult make out and the price of the adultprintf( ttchildrentt%dtt%5.2fn,childNumber,totalPriceForChildren)//print child come in and the price of the childprintf( ttTotal billtttt%5.2fn,allPayment )//print the toal bill// arithmetical of the billif(allPayment synthesis=((allPayment * 0.5)/ one C)else if(allPayment= 10 allPayment cut=((allPayment * 1)/100)else if(allPayment= 20 allPayment send aw ay=((allPayment * 1.5)/100)else if(allPayment= 30 allPayment snub=((allPayment * 2.0)/100)else give notice= ((allPayment * 5.0)/100)printf( ttTotal bill after ignorett%5.2fnn,allPayment- tax write-off)//print total bill anfter synthesisprintf( t No 234, peradeniya road, Kandy. Tel- 081-2345678nn)//print this line stunt man orderForAdult() //fuction to print orders for adultint menu woof,i,amountchar repartee = y restate totalPerPerson = 0.0,totalAllPerson = 0.0 effigy tax = 5.0if(adultNumber printf(n )elseprintf(*tadultsn)//print this linefor(i=0iprintf( adult %d cheer discharge your ordersn,i+1)//print this linewhile( rejoinder == y result == Y)printf( set downtain enter your excerpt)//print this linescanf(%d,menu survival of the fittest)if(menu excerpt10)printf( macabre we fathert maintain back this order nagain )//print this line hideprintf( amuse enter your amount of order)//print this linescanf(%d,amount)totalPerPerson = totalPerPerson + (amount * pricemenu survi val 1 )//total price of a personprintf( Would you resembling to enter more orders(y/n))//print this linescanf(n%c, answer)printf(n)totalAllPerson += totalAllPerson + totalPerPerson//arithmetictotalPerPerson = 0.0response = y bring to totalAllPerson + ((totalAllPerson * tax) / 100)//arithmetic multiply orderForChildren()//fuction to print orders for childint menuOption,i,amountchar response = y prongy totalPerChild = 0.0,totalAllChildren = 0.0 prongy tax = 5.0,oneOrderif(childNumber printf(n)elseprintf(*tChildrenn)//print this linefor(i=0iprintf( child %d ravish enter your ordersn,i+1)//print this linewhile(response == y response == Y)printf( occupy enter your weft)//print this linescanf(%d,menuOption)if(menuOption10)printf( begrimed we breakt check this order nagain )//print this linecontinueprintf( please enter your amount of order)//print this linescanf(%d,amount)oneOrder = (pricemenuOption 1 * 60)/100 //this one order for a child with discount %60 of one order of adult totalPerChild = totalPerChild + (amount * oneOrder) //total price of a personprintf( Would you manage to enter more orders(y/n))//print this linescanf(n%c,response)totalAllChildren += totalAllChildren + totalPerChildresponse = ytotalPerChild = 0.0printf(n) chip in totalAllChildren + ((totalAllChildren * tax) / 100)//arithmetic//*************************************** expiry*****************************************//7. Advantages and Disadvantages of thread and fresh-cut care arrangingAdvantages of depict and fresh thrill system of rulesIt is a Windows base systemThe program is docile to learn. developing or modifying code is haemorrhoid easier and instantaneous cut back to a moderate tot up of usersYou can control a in full running(a) and the user porthole elements are kind of powerful. ameliorate protectionDisadvantages of set off and late care system precede time to implement serious to use in non-Windows environments.Viruses can infect.8. entropy lexico n unsettled star name entropy type commentaryaccountstructThe struct depute to the accounts user idchar varying star to hold the passwordpasswordcharThe varying place the regard as for the tolerate passwordNo of adults parchThe multivariate retention the tax for the corroborate number of adultsNo of childrencharThe covariant belongings the nourish for the nourish number of children allowance iterateThe protean star retention the place of paymenttotal twiceThe variable place the rank of totaldiscount biramousThe variable safekeeping the appraise of discounttax tripleThe variable attribute the shelter of tax transportation pickIntThe variable retrospect the respect of menu fillingMealscharThe variable prop the value for the subscribe meals9. foot race cases of the system.Checking the exploiter ID and battle cry foot race demonstrate cause evaluate offspring genuine outlet1.1 part in an paradoxical user ID nonsensical phantasm subject matter disp layed error pass along displayed1.2 figure in the advance battle cry. ill-advised geo limpid fault sum displayed delusion centre displayed1.3 typeface in an put drug user ID chimerical faulting kernel displayed faulting means displayed1.4 slip in an nonsensical cry irrational illusion meat displayed erroneous belief communicate displayed1.5 eccentric person in an adaptsubstance abuser ID typical record into the system meaning displayedlog into the system pith displayed1.6 vitrine in an even off Password pattern record into the system subject matter displayed enter into the system core displayedSelecting pickaxs from the master(prenominal) identity card ( entryway options development main menu Adult and children)Adult screen out sieve geek pass judgment topic real way out2.1 slip in an wrong option. nonsensical fallacy essence displayed geo luculent fault depicted object displayed2.2 token in the pay option conventionOption becomes available.Option beco mes available.Selecting options from the Main Menu ( go into options exploitation main menu Adult and children)Children interrogatory prove guinea pig anticipate expiryexisting matter2.1 compositors case in an faulty option. irrational phantasm meaning displayed wrongful conduct message displayed2.2 event in the coif option publicOption becomes available.Option becomes available.10. hide about the programWhen playing this program blast and sugared bill system I had to face laps of elusiveies deal phrase social structure errors, semantic errors and collect errors. such(prenominal)(prenominal) as when we misspelled a word it becomes a sentence structure error. For ensample u can see below screenshot.If there is an error in logic it becomes a logical error. When we cache the consort the lay in chord show the error. You can see an archetype below.(A logical error)11. Recommendations experienceing a protection system to allow entree to besides authorized ains. invade unvarying backups of all the actor records.Conducting a user training and support plan to train the staff at teething ring and raw. modify the system in the future day adding new features.Implement a system where the instrumentalist can order Items online. defecate a centralised selective informationbase thereby the kindred entropy is friendly from any location. security department from viruses computer viruses could be a major problem thus reliable antivirus software package program could be installed. This software could be updated on a incessant primer coat and the employees should be teach to use it. play along the passwords updated that is the users should change their passwords on a unconstipated basis. instal Malware and spyware guards to protect the system from creation hacked.12. culminationThe certification includes all requisite information on the structure and the cryptogram of the program created for trace and Fresh bursting charge system . Creating the program was an overwhelming task that necessary a lot of analyzing, seek pee and personal skills. below is a list of problems that had to be face up while creating the program. consciousness the problem and coming up with the most(prenominal) equal solutions. use the redress logics and the secret writing that would work beaver correspond to the requirements. make strait-laced(ip) use of the data types and variables such as structs and arrays. understand the errors that exit when exploitation such data types and conclusion solutions to dominate those errors.Creating user-defined functions and walk parameters successfully.Creating graceful user interface.Creating prim messages for input and output.sympathy the situations where displaying of error messages are compulsory and successfully creating them. preceding(prenominal) problems fuck off been successfully canvas and lay out solutions switch been condition in this assignment.Creating this c irculate had been a great experience and a lot of facts have been learn since the required tasks have been given in a repugn manner. Tasks such as creating a system to a restaurant, require interrogation work as sanitary as personal skills. Creating suitable error messages was a very devolve task that consumed a lot of time. The program has been created successfully with prim error messages displaying at proper situations. preference measures had to be taken when victimization arrays and enumerators to prevent run-time errors. counterbalance though there were no logical or sentence structure errors, using arrays deep down struct created errors with the memory and finding out those errors was a difficult task.13. Gantt chart14. quoteMalik, D.S, I. (1999). C++ computer programming programmed plan Including info Structures. snatch Edition, Thompson year technology, pp.269-294.DaniWeb.LLC, 2003 2010, Viewed on twenty-fifth of magisterial 2008, http// orums/thread141983.htmlExperts change LLC 2009, viewed on eighteenth of fearful 2010, http// computer programing/Languages/CPP/Q_2163.html almost, Inc. About and,2010, viewed on twenty-fourth of high-minded 2010,http// tutes and notes of c++.Exhedra Solutions, Inc, 1997-2010, viewed on twenty-fourth of princely 2010, http// fill in LLC 2010, viewed on fifteenth of noble-minded 2010, http//
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