The tomcat Robinson Trial By: Mr. Underwood How a valet de chambre rout out live with killing a weaken, I can non understand. It is a sin, whether the cripple is standing, sitting or escaping. Tom Robinson had dirty disadvantages, neither of them were his fault. For atomic number 53, his go forth ramp up was useless. He was a colored man, accused of raping a belittledly manikin ovalbumin woman. Every day mockingbirds argon killed by children and hunters. Those birds never caused us any trouble, so wherefore be they killed? It may be because they ar just birds. Theyre non human; they dont speak or ascertain like us. Do mountain not fretting about them because they are different? Does that make the slaughter of songbirds unexceptionable? I interviewed the sheriff, Mr. Heck Tate. The boy was dead the moment Mayella opened her mouthpiece and screamed. Its not right, but sometimes we cant change the minds of white men. Tom Robinson was innocent and most people know it. Mayella Ewell was plainly coached to lie- she stopped answering questions at one(a) point. Mr. Bob Ewell was a low man who no discredit abused his children. It was obvious that Mr.

Ewell blast his daughter, not Tom Robinson. Mr. Robinson had one arm less than it takes to outsmart and rape a well-set young woman in all at once. I dared to call down to Mr. Ewell. That son-of-a-bitch raped my Mayella an got what he deserved! he said, spitting furiously. just now a few days before, he had spat in the lawsuit of Atticus Finch, the good man who defended Tom Robinson. Mr. Ewell has no class at all. I ha te to think of his miserable children. ! Tom Robinson was a songbird, a songbird slaughtered senselessly because he was different. A victim; just an excuse for Mayellas wounds. What has the humans exercise to?If you want to get a full essay, graze it on our website:
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